Give credit where it's rent’s due

We report your residents’ rent payments to all three credit bureaus. Now, you can help your residents build their credit and increase on-time payments for investors and your team. That’s what we call a triple-win.

Smiling man looking at laptop

Credit building = financial benefits for everyone

  • credit-building-monthly-calendar

    Turn their biggest monthly payment into a win

    How is it even possible that someone’s largest monthly expense – their rent – is typically the only thing not on their credit report?

    We've figured out a way to do it. So now residents can make their rent payments count!

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    Help residents reach their financial goals

    According to a study by the DC Housing Authority, residents with rent reporting saw an average 29% increase in their credit score.

    With just a one-tier credit score increase, residents can save thousands of dollars per year in car payments, credit card payments, and future mortgage payments.

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    See rent payments come in on time

    With such a strong incentive for on-time payments, you’ll see rent delinquency – and your teams’ follow-ups – decrease. The result is happier investors, happier teams, and happier residents.

What you and your residents get

Credit reporting to all three credit bureaus

Most rent reporting tools report to just one or two. We make sure your residents’ score improves everywhere by reporting to all three major credit reporting bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

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With 24 months back-reporting

Our credit reporting service back-reports all on-time payments from the past 24 months for the same address at no additional cost. When you implement our Resident Benefits Package, your renewing residents can get their last 12-24 months reported, so they aren’t starting from scratch.

Automatic and fully managed

Our credit-building feature is fully automated for you and your residents. Residents simply sign their lease and automatically get their on-time payments reported. We manage the initial setup, and then it runs itself. Your team keeps their valuable time. As a property manager, it’s another thing off your plate!

Woman smiling looking at laptop
Angela Bailey

"What I like most about the credit building is that we are rewarding residents for paying their rent on time."


Angela Bailey
One Door Realty

FAQs for Credit Building Service

Ready to power up rent payments?

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